What is Remnant Inventory?

What Is Remnant Inventory

Remnant inventory is a term used primarily by sales & marketing managers at websites which monetize their web traffic by selling ad space directly to advertisers. When the volume of ads purchased by all advertisers is less than the available ad inventory (eg not all ad units have been purchased), then the unsold inventory must […]

Standard IAB Sizes Explained

standard iab sizes

On the face of it, this sounds like it will be a pretty dry article. But for anyone wanting to seriously monetize their website using banner ads, it is important to know the standard IAB sizes. They are important to know because when you design your website, and more specifically where you are going to […]

How to Sell Advertising on Your Website

Prepare your Advertising Kit What’s in an advertising kit? Your advertising kit is everything a potential advertiser would need to know before making the decision to advertise on your website. It contains information such as: What opportunities are available on your website The price for these opportunities The technical specifications for the opportunities Case studies […]


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