How Soon Can You Start Selling Sponsored Posts?

how soon can you start selling sponsored posts

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I often see people on blogging discussion forums stating they need to wait for 50,000 monthly visitors before they can begin to monetize their blog.

Firstly, that’s a load of rubbish. I’ve got websites with under 2,000 monthly visitors making thousands of dollars each month.

Secondly, they are normally referring to the minimum requirements for some ad networks. 

Thirdly, the great thing about sponsored posts is that they have no minimum traffic requirement. Any size blog can start selling them, assuming you get at least some visitors.

Why Can Small Blogs Sell Sponsored Posts?

Small blogs can sell sponsored posts if their traffic is targeted.

If a model train store wants to buy a sponsored post, they probably aren’t going to spend $5,000 buying one in Unilad or other large websites. Probably 0.1% of readers are going to be interested in buying model train accessories.

The store is more likely to find the top few model train websites in their country and buy sponsored posts from them for $250 instead. On these sites, 90% of the visitors could be in the market and ready to buy from this store.

Smaller blogs also tend to have a closer relationship with their readers. Many of the visitors might be returning visitors, and they may also be the same people that follow you on social media and subscribe to your newsletter. From an advertisers perspective, this is perfect since you’ll be providing a great opportunity for them to reach a loyal, dedicated audience.

What’s the Minimum Traffic Requirement for Sponsored Posts?

There isn’t a minimum number of visitors you need to begin selling sponsored posts, but for the sake of providing you with an actual answer, I recommend not trying to sell sponsored posts if you have under 1,000 monthly visitors.

Until then, focus on growing your traffic, posting great content, preparing your media kit, and learning how to sell sponsored posts.

You might find that brands aren’t interested in buying sponsored posts until you have over 5,000 visitors. But that’s ok, you can sell to them once your blog has grown more!

The reasons I recommend waiting until you have over 10,00 visitors is because some brands will simply ignore your emails if they see that your blog is still small and growing, and for a beginner blogger, this can be a bit of a whack to your confidence.

When selling anything on your blog you will get rejected a lot. It’s important not to let it get you down, and keep on trying. When you sign your first advertising deal the motivation and confidence it gives you will ensure your next one comes easier and quicker.

How To Get Started Selling Sponsored Posts on a Small Blog

First things first, you need to make sure your blog presents itself well. No advertisers want to associate with a poorly branded blog.

This means:

  • A nice logo (it doesn’t need to be done by a professional designer, but it can’t be hashed together in MSPaint either)
  • A tidy layout which isn’t cluttered, or looks like it was made in 1999. You can buy nice WordPress themes for under $50, which is well worth the investment. I personally use Themeforest.
  • No broken images or links
  • No overly intrusive pop ups (there is nothing wrong with one tidy one, but you don’t want to be like some sites that have a full screen opt-in process, then a slide in offer, then 5 banner ads all above the fold.

Once this is done you need to create your media kit, and add a page on your website where potential advertisers can learn about your blog and how to advertise on it.

One tip to have greater success is to offer potential advertisers a few extras here and there. You can’t simply increase your traffic overnight to close a deal, but what you can do is offer more. This could be a social media post, or a mention in your newsletter. Don’t be afraid to offer freebies to get the ball rolling.

But What if You’re Not in a Small Niche?

If your niche isn’t specific, and you have a small blog, then you might have trouble selling sponsored posts.

Here are some examples of what I mean by small, specific niches:

  • Trampoline Skills for Kids
  • Hobby Railroad Models
  • Trout Fishing in New Zealand
  • DIY Log Cabins in Canada
  • Waterblasting Business News

But what if your website is about political news in the United States, and you get just 5,000 visitors per month. In this case, you’re going to really struggle to sell sponsored posts.  Anyone who does want to advertise to this audience can probably choose from 100 other blogs that get 100,000 visitors per month.

Similarly, if your blog on a topic like Inspirational Quotes, or Funny Stock Exchange Memes, then you’ll struggle to find sponsored content as well. Your readers probably aren’t loyal, and they more than likely visit once and never again.

What Next?

Follow the steps above and work on your advertising page, and your media kit. 

But also don’t forget that although you don’t need a large number of visitors to be able to sell sponsored posts, you’ll be able to demand a higher price if you have more visitors to your blog.

So keep focusing on building your traffic through SEO, social sources, and referral sources. Eventually you’ll be attracting bigger deals!

You don't actually need a crap-tonne of traffic to make a living blogging

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